Project Description

Tony McManus und Julia Toaspern

Travelling Still


CD Available for order via:

Music for the summer

Though still not travelling much…
…we’re travelling still through our music.
Journey with us to Ireland, Brittany, Germany, Italy & Canada.

How have you all been?
We hope this finds you well and healthy.
So far we have used the last year to expand teaching, which we both love, and to learn and record new music, the result of which we’re presenting to all of you here.

Travelling Still

You’ll be hearing fiddle tunes, some fast, some slow, some two part counterpoint on guitars, some early Italian music with vocals and ciaconna rhythms, travelling through the centuries.
Otherwise Tony has been getting into cooking a lot, mostly Indian food and pasta making. Need a personal chef, anyone?
Julia has been taking care of her chickens and writing research papers for her studies in education. She’ll need guinea pigs for her next study, so be warned…
Meanwhile, we hope you’ll enjoy the music and are having a good summer, despite all that’s going on.

Love from Elora, Ontario
Tony and Julia